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Высокопроизводительные конденсационные газовые котлы с модулирующей газовой горелкой
Оставаясь лидером на Американском рынке за последнее десятилетие , серия газовых котлов Benchmark снижает итоговую стоимость проекта, обеспечивает высокую энергоэффективность при безшумной работе и низких эксплуатационных расходах.
Конденсационные котлы Benchmark диапазоном нагрузок горелки 20:1 и 15:1 значительно снижают расход топлива и применяются в в различных системах отопления, традиционных отопительных контурах, теплонасосных системах, гелиосистемах, системах снегостаивания, технологических и производственных процессах.
Все три котла — 1.5 million BTU/hr., 2 million BTU/hr., and 3 million BTU/hr. — поставляются в полной сборке и проходят в стандартный дверной проем. Эти устройства исключают и/или минимизируют необходимость использования вспомогательного оборудования как в новых проектах так и при модернизации, что упрощает проект и позволяет снизить как первоначальные вложения так и эксплуатационные расходы.
Showing all 7 results
Газовый котел AERCO Benchmark 1500 и 2000
The AERCO Benchmark (BMK) Water Boiler is designed for condensing application in any closed loop hydronic system. It delivers unmatched burner modulation to match energy input directly to fluctuating system loads to yield the highest possible seasonal efficiency. And no other product packs as much capacity into such a small footprint.
To minimize emissions, the BMK Series is fitted with a low NOx burner whose emissions will meet the most stringent NOx and CO requirements. The fully modulating burner also maintains AERCO standards for energy efficiency, longevity, reliability and construction quality.
The BMK Series comes standard with AERCO’s Patent Pending, Oxygen Level (O2) monitoring system. This monitoring system, designed to display the O2 level directly on the unit in real time, can also be remotely monitored via Modbus giving the customer the ability to measure the emissions level and fuel economy of the boiler without traditional combustion calibration devices.
The BMK boilers can be used as an individual unit or in modular arrangements and offers selectable modes of operation. In addition to controlling the boiler according to a constant set point, indoor/outdoor reset schedule or 4-20mA signal, one or more units can be integrated via Modbus communications protocol. For boiler plants ranging from 2-8 boilers, AERCO’S built-in Boiler Management Sequencer* can be utilized. For heating plants greater than 8 boilers, AERCO’s ACS (AERCO Control System) provides the right solution. Likewise, Benchmark systems can be easily integrated with a facility-wide Energy Management or Building Automation System
Газовый котел AERCO Benchmark 2500 и 3000
The AERCO Benchmark (BMK) Water Boiler is designed for condensing application in any closed loop hydronic system. It delivers unmatched burner modulation to match energy input directly to fluctuating system loads to yield the highest possible seasonal efficiency. And no other product packs as much capacity into such a small footprint.To minimize emissions, the BMK Series is fitted with a low NOx burner whose emissions will meet the most stringent NOx and CO requirements. The fully modulating burner also maintains AERCO standards for energy efficiency, longevity, reliability and construction quality.The BMK Series comes standard with AERCO’s Patent Pending, Oxygen Level (O2) monitoring system. This monitoring system, designed to display the O2 level directly on the unit in real time, can also be remotely monitored via Modbus giving the customer the ability to measure the emissions level and fuel economy of the boiler without traditional combustion calibration devices.The BMK boilers can be used as an individual unit or in modular arrangements and offers selectable modes of operation. In addition to controlling the boiler according to a constant set point, indoor/outdoor reset schedule or 4-20mA signal, one or more units can be integrated via Modbus communications protocol. For boiler plants ranging from 2-8 boilers, AERCO’S built-in Boiler Management Sequencer* can be utilized. For heating plants greater than 8 boilers, AERCO’s ACS (AERCO Control System) provides the right solution. Likewise, Benchmark systems can be easily integrated with a facility-wide Energy Management or Building Automation System -
Газовый котел AERCO Benchmark 6000
Measuring only 79 H x 34 W x 109 D (inches), the Benchmark 6000 (BMK6000) features 15:1 turndown for energy efficiency, Low NOx emissions, and high reliability in an unmatched compact footprint that is half the size of any other 6 million BTU/hr boiler on the market. Incorporating AERCO’s field-proven stainless steel, fire-tube design, the BMK6000 provides consulting-specifying engineers, facilities management, and building owners with a boiler that provides flexibility to fit in both retrofit and new construction that require one or multiple 6 million BTU/hr boilers.
Газовый котел AERCO Esteem 399
The AERCO Esteem 399 is a wall-hung boiler with a uniquely designed stainless steel heat exchanger with 95% efficiency. It offers all the benefits of the new generation high efficiency, modulating, condensing boilers along with easy installation, low maintenance and high reliability.
Газовые котлы AERCO серия AM
The AM Series is essentially a pre-packaged boiler plant. Each unit consists of between two and four individual modules, each with its own combustion chamber, burner, gas valve, and combustion controls and safeguards, all tied together to common water connections and assembled in a single enclosure. This provides all of the advantages of a larger boiler plant, including high turndown and multiple-unit redundancy, while still keeping installation costs down and operation simple. Full front access means near-zero side clearance with no loss of serviceability when more than one million BTUs are necessary. Installations take up minimal space and remain simple to service. Standard Modbus controls easily connect to Energy Management or Building Automation System.
The high efficiency of the AM series boilers and water heaters means less wasted heat and lower operating costs. In a condensing unit, lower fire rates return higher operating efficiencies. By running multiple modules at low fire rather than one large unit at higher fire, the AM series ensures the installation is always running at its most efficient. High efficiencies also mean lower flue temperatures and thus a range of venting options. All units can be vented in polypropylene, PVC, cPVC, or AL-294C vent materials.
Model Input Output* AM 399 399,000 351,000-395,000 AM 500 500,000 440,000-495,000 AM 750 750,000 660,000-742,500 AM 1000 1,000,000 880,000-990,000 *Output depends on a range of factors including inlet temperature and ΔT. For further information contact your local factory representative.
AERCO’s MFC (Multi-Fuel Condensing) hydronic boiler is capable of firing with multiple fuels including natural gas, propane or #2 fuel oil. It features a proven 4-pass fire tube heat exchanger design for maximum heat transfer and efficiency and is designed for condensing application in any closed loop hydronic system. The heat exchanger’s combination of high quality carbon steel/316Ti stainless steel construction ensures the highest degree of durability. The 316Ti SS construction in the heat exchanger’s 4th pass offers superior corrosion resistance against acidic flue gas condensation. Likewise, it can be fired with multiple fuels including natural gas, propane or #2 fuel oil (as backup), offering duel fuel flexibility. Moreover, the MFC series features dual return connections standard for optimal application flexibility and seasonal efficiency gains of up to 12%. The heat exchanger’s maximum working temperature of 240°F allows for greater operating temperature range and meet the requirements of higher temperature applications when necessary, but allows for the building to reset water temperature for condensing in the shoulder months.
The MFC Series is fitted with industry leading power burners whose emissions will meet most stringent NOx and CO requirements. The fully modulating burner also maintains AERCO standards for energy efficiency, longevity, reliability and construction quality.
The MFC Series boilers can be used as an individual unit or in modular arrangements and offers selectable modes of operation. In addition to controlling the boiler according to a constant set point, indoor/outdoor reset schedule or 0-10V signal, one or more units can be integrated via Modbus communications protocol. For boiler plants ranging from 2 or more boilers, an available sequencing controller designed to optimize plant efficiency provides the right solution. Likewise, MFC systems can be easily integrated with a facility-wide Energy Management or Building Automation System.